🕹ī¸ User guide#

Here is all the plugins documentation to let you enjoy Gipsy to the fullest!

On the official Gipsy instance, you can find the following plugins:

🎁 Giveways

Create giveaways to reward your community!

🎖ī¸ XP System

Give XP to your active members and let them level up and getting roles!

🔊 Auto Voice Channels

Create voice channels automatically when a user joins a voice channel!

❓ Quizz

Challenge your community with a huge variety of quizz!

📎 Role Link

Link roles between them to automatize the role management and create hierarchy relations!

🌀 Wormhole

Create a wormhole between two channels to make a unique inter-server channel!

đŸ’Ŧ Message Management

Move messages between channels or imitate another user!

🎭 Groups

Let members create private groups with associated role and channel!

And much more!