πŸ‘‹ Getting Started#

πŸ“₯ Get it on your Discord server#

You can simply invite the bot instance hosted by the Gunivers community itself by clicking on the button below!

Invite the bot on your server

Alternatively, you can invite the beta version by clicking here

If you use the beta version

If you invite the beta version, you will be able to test the latest features added to the bot. However, the bot in beta version may contain security holes and many bugs. It may also stop working suddenly and for long periods.

  1. Create a Discord application and add a bot to it by following this tutorial.

  2. Install Python 3.9 or higher.

  3. Install Git CLI

  4. Open a terminal and go where you want to install it

    cd /path/to/installation
  5. Clone the repository

    git clone https://github.com/Gunivers/Gipsy
  6. (Optional) Create a virtual environment with

    python3.9 -m venv venv

    and activate it with

    source venv/bin/activate # Linux.
    venv\Scripts\activate # Windows
  7. Install dependencies

    pip install -r requirements.txt
  8. Run the setup script and answer the questions.

    python setup.py
  9. Create a plugins folder and add all the plugins you wan to use on your bot. You can find all the official plugins here. To install a plugin, simply copy the folder of the plugin in the plugins folder.

  10. Start the bot

    python start.py
  11. In the logs, find a line like this:

    09/02/2023 at 19:59:32 | [INFO] ID : 786546781919641600
  12. Copy the ID an place it in the following URL (replace the underscores with the ID):

  13. Open the URL in your browser and invite the bot to your server.

Here is the list of other Gipsy instances hosted by trusted peoples:


Axobot is not really a Gipsy instance, but it is maintained by the same original creator and both project share the same origin. It is designed to a ready-to-use high quality bot capable of handling a huge amount of servers, such as most popular bots like Mee6 or Dyno.

πŸ‘Ά First steps#

In a channel where the bot can read and write messages, follow the instructions below.

  1. Define your language with the command @gipsy config language <en|fr>

  2. Define the prefix with the command @gipsy config prefix <prefix>. Exemple: type @gipsy config prefix ! and then !ping


In this documentation, we will use @gipsy as the prefix because it always work, even if another prefix is set.

  1. Type @gipsy config to see the rest of the option you can configure. To edit a config option, enter @gipsy config <option> <value>

  2. Type @gipsy help to see the list of commands.

  3. Enjoy!